I’d like help starting a research assignment, using library services/resources, or learning APA style. How can I schedule a meeting with a librarian?


Our library staff can assist you in a variety of ways - helping you to navigate resources, brainstorm how to tackle a research assignment, and learn how to cite your sources in APA style – just to name a few!

You can schedule an in-person or virtual (Zoom) appointment using Starfish.  The Starfish platform allows you to reserve the time, date, and mode of your choice, and you can add a note if you would like to meet about a specific topic, assignment, or course.  Here is the link to our Starfish appointment calendar

You are also welcome to request an appointment by contacting us via phone call (715-803-1115), text message (715-710-1138), or email (Library@ntc.edu).

Walk-in help is also encouraged!  You can ask to meet with a librarian at our library service desk.


  • Last Updated Aug 21, 2024
  • Views 103
  • Answered By Katie

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