How do I cite an Issues & Controversies Pro/Con article in APA style?
Databases can either be collections of published books, journals, or videos, or they can publish their own content. Issues & Controversies includes both. It offers access to primary sources, court case information, media, and news articles (such as the New York Times). At the same time, its Pro/Con articles are proprietary - written for & only available inside of Issues & Controversies.
APA has guidelines for databases with original, proprietary content. For a static article (i.e. not regularly revised), the template would be:
Author, A. (date). Title of the article in lowercase. Name of the Database in Caps and Italics. Link to article.
In the case of no author, the title of the article moves to the front. Typically, Pro/Con articles in Issues & Controversies do not list an individual author. Here then is the APA template to use for these articles:
Title of the article. (date). Issues & Controversies. Link to article.
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